
Table Manners

Have you ever eaten in a foreign restaurant? Where?

Yes, I have. I went to Italian restaurant in London with my friends.

What did you eat?

I ate Italian. I'm sorry.....I don't remenber clearly.

Did you make any mistakes?

Yes, I did.

Please explain your experience. Did you learn anything?

We didn't know the menu, so we didn't order we want eat.
Then, we didn't know how to eat the dishes. I felt disgraced.
We didn't have change, so we didn't undersatnd why not have change.
Wait for a moment, we realized U.K. has custom of tipping.



About Wedding
we talked and saw many international weddings and compared them with Japan. Since Japanese weddings are expensive, do you think having a massive wedding like Korea or UAE is a good idea? Eloping? Having it in a foreign location like Hawaii? What is your ideal wedding? What would you definitely do or wear or go to on that big day? Why is that important?

I found wedding is differennt from country to country and wedding's various event vary from country to country, too. I think massive wedding is a good idea. Because I want to invite person who one owes everything. I want to celebrate all of my acquaintance.
Eloping is not so good. I want to accept around me.
I think maybe wedding is only one chance, so I would like to spend a lot of money.
Then, I want to hold a good memorial wedding.
I think wedding day is the most important day of our lives.


Superstitions Homework

We talked about many superstitions in many countries,
but do you think it is important to talk about them?Why?

I think it is important. Because superstitions is vary from country
to country.But I think a recent person is not knowabout many
superstitions in details.

Is communication affected by superstitions?

I think it is not affected. Because when I 'm talking with my friend,
I don't use superstitions.

Do you believe in Japanese superstitions?

I don't believe it. Because I don't think the thing really do happen.
So, I don't worry about that. When I was young, my grandparents
told about superstition to me. But early people believe it, I think.
If I beleive it, I'm not only believe good superstitions.

If so, what superstitions, what do they mean and why do you do,use, or believe in them?

Spaider of morning is good, so you must not kill. But spaider of night
is not good.I don't believe it and I don't know why.