
Welcome Colgate University Students!

We talked about life. I asked "At what age did you start to go to sleep over parties?"

He answered one year. I was very suprised to hear that. Maybye when I was nine year, I grow away from my parents.
I thought American people are independent of their parents from early time.

Next, I asked "What age can you drink alcohol in New York State?"

He answered 21 year. But age is vary from state to state. I thought American young people can drink from 18 year. I interested in regulation is different from state to state in America.


Class#5 Greetings

How do people greet someone they've just me?
Say "Hello", wave hand and present a business card.

How do you greet members of your family?
Just say "Good morning","Hello" and "Good night".

Do you hug members of your family?
No, I don't. I have never hug my family in salute.

How do you greet people who are important in society?
I swap business cards with person.

Do people greet people of the opposite sex in a different way?
No. If opposite sex, we greet same way.

Are the customs the same all over your country?
Yes, I think so. But worldwide, the custom is different.


Class#4 World Religions

How do you greet people in your life?

I usually say "Hello." or bow my greetings.
I rarely shake hands in salute.

Is it different for different people? How so and why?

Yes. I think so. American and British people greet first person with a warm handshake or welcoming hug.
Italian people kiss thier on both cheeks in salute.

Do you touch people when you talk to them? Why? Or Why not?

Yes, I do. Why I touch people....?
Maybye I feel a sense of affinity with the person and I take my friends much too personally.
I think that you can share a confidence with your friends by touch people.